API Status

Vulnerability UK 045

Check's if an individual has self-declared vulnerability

Compatible Cases

Icon 1

About the service

This is a service which facilitates checks on whether a customer has a self-declared vulnerability.


Does this service leave a credit search Footprint? No


Example request with all fields

    "Bundle": "Your bundle",
    "Data": {
        "City": "Kings Landing",
        "County": "Blaenau Gwent",
        "DayOfBirth": 1,
        "Email": "john.gurung@gmail.com",
        "Forename": "John",
        "HouseName": "Rose Cottage",
        "HouseNumber": "14",
        "MobileNumber": "07539587538",
        "MonthOfBirth": 1,
        "Postcode": "SW1A 1AA",
        "Street": "Abbey Road",
        "Surname": "Gurung",
        "YearOfBirth": 1985
    "Options": {
        "Sandbox": "true"
    "ClientReference": "your-client-reference"

Request Breakdown


(*) Requirements
This service requires at least one of DOB, Email, Mobile number or Address to be provided with Forename + Surname.

A valid Address must contain at least a House Name/House Number, Street and Postcode.


Example response

	"w2dataVulnerabilityuk045Result": [
			"record": {
				"vrS_First_Registered": "2021-08-25T00:00:00",
				"vrS_Flag_Updated": "2021-08-25T00:00:00",
				"vrS_Sub_Flags": "iva",
				"vrS_Sub_Flags_Description": "Individual Voluntary Agreement",
				"vrS_VC_Flag": "FPr",
				"vrS_VC_Flag_Description": "First Party - Refer"
				"personId": 1767306
			"client_ref": "testing",
			"dod_reference": "testing",
			"match_analysis": {
				"ad1_match_percent": 0,
				"ad2_match_percent": 0,
				"ad3_match_percent": 0,
				"ad4_match_percent": 0,
				"county_match_percent": 0,
				"dob_match_percent": 0,
				"email_match_percent": 0,
				"firstname_match_percent": 0,
				"gender_match_percent": 0,
				"landline_match_percent": 0,
				"lastname_match_percent": 0,
				"mobile_match_percent": 0,
				"postcode_match_percent": 0,
				"town_match_percent": 0
			"match_percent": 100,
			"response_status": {
				"status_code": "200",
				"status_message": "Match complete"

VC Flags

The date the individual was first registered with the VRS

VC FlagDescriptionFurther ExplanationExamples
FPdFirst Party - DeclineOrganisation submitted on behalf of consumer - DECLINE - deny any applicationThe individual has given consent to their bank to share information with the VRS and has requested that applications are declined.
FPnarFirst Party - No Consumer Authorisation - ReferOrganisation submitted on behalf of consumer - REFER - treat any application with vulnerabilty in mindThere is a legitimate reason for the individual's bank to share information with the VRS, such as the individual has been the victim of a loan shark or fraud.
FPrFirst Party - ReferOrganisation submitted on behalf of consumer- REFER - treat any application with vulnerabilty in mindThe individual has given consent to their bank to share information with the VRS and has requested for their vulnerable status to be considered when making applications.
SEdSelf Registered - DeclineSelf-declared/registered by the indivdiual consumer - DECLINE - deny any applicationThe individual has registered with the VRS and declared that they are vulnerable, requesting that all applications are declined.
SErSelf Registered - ReviewSelf-declared/registered by the indivdiual consumer - REVIEW - treat any application with vulnerabilty in mindThe individual has registered with the VRS and declared that they are vulnerable, requesting that their vulnerable status is considered when making applications.
TPdThird Party - DeclineThird party (typically POA Power of Attorney) submitted on behalf of consumer - DECLINE - deny any applicationA third party has the authority to act on behalf of the individual and they have registered the individual with the VRS and requested that all applications are declined. An example of this would be a relative with Power of Attorney.
TPnarThird Party - No Consumer Authorisation - ReferThird party (typically POA Power of Attorney) submitted - REFER - treat any application with vulnerabilty in mindThs data has been shared with the VRS where there is a legitimate or legal reason for a third party to register the individual, such as a Court of Protection Order, for example.
TPrThird Party - ReviewThird party (typically POA Power of Attorney) submitted - REVIEW - treat any application with vulnerabilty in mindA third party has the authority to act on behalf of the individual and they have registered the individual with the VRS and requested the individual's vulnerable status is considered when making applications. An example of this would be a relative with Power of Attorney.

Sub Flags

The Sub Flag which describes the vulnerability

Sub FlagsDescriptionVulnerable Sub Flag DetailVulnerable Sub Flag Example
AccessibilitySomeone who has difficulty accessing goods and services or communicating with suppliers.Limited access to internet / digital services, Reliance upon on-line shopping, Difficulty physically visiting branches, Reliance on carers / third parties
BankruptcyBankruptcy is a legal status that usually lasts for a year and can be a way to clear debts you can't pay. When you're bankrupt, your non-essential assets (property and what you own) and excess income are used to pay off your creditors (people you owe money to). At the end of the bankruptcy, most debts are cancelled.Bankruptcy is a legal status that usually lasts for a year and can be a way to clear debts you can't pay. When you're bankrupt, your non-essential assets (property and what you own) and excess income are used to pay off your creditors (people you owe money to). At the end of the bankruptcy, most debts are cancelled.
CoercionCoercion is compelling someone to act in an involuntary manner by use of intimidation,threats, including force. It involves a set of various types of forceful actions that violate the free will of an individual to induce a desired responseForcing someone to borrow money in their name with the threat of violence, humiliation, intimidation, or even sexual assault.
Cognitive disorderSomeone who suffers from disorders that affect cognitive abilities, including learning, memory, perception and problem solvingDown Syndrome, Huntington disease, Mild cognitive impairment, Progressive supranuclear palsy, Dementia, Parkinson's disease
CoronavirusSomeone who has suffered directly as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.Job loss, Reduced pay, Payment holidays, Furlough, Self-isolation/quarantine
DeceasedA third party can notify when an individual is deceasedA death certificate is required to load this flag
Debt Management PlanDebt management is
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