API Status

Disqualified Directors

Compatible Cases

Icon 1

About the service

W2-DATA-DISQUALIFIEDS-UK-008 This service searches a list of Disqualified Directors. This list is updated once a week.


Does this service leave a credit search Footprint? No


Example request

    "Bundle": "YOURBUNDLE",
	"Data": {
		"DayOfBirth": 22,
		"Forename": "JOHN",
		"MonthOfBirth": 10,
		"Surname": "JAMES",
		"YearOfBirth": 1997


Example response

The individual service response will look like this sample on the side that we have filled in with some dummy data:

"w2DataDisqualifiedsUk008Result": {
            "results": [
                    "details": {
                        "disqualifications": [
                                "caseNumber": "IJK676897642398",
                                "companyName": "SOUTH SEA TRADING",
                                "courtName": "INSOLVENCY SERVICE",
                                "disqualificationType": "UNDERTAKING",
                                "endDate": "2018-03-14T00:00:00",
                                "sectionOfTheAct": "CDDA 1986 S7",
                                "startDate": "2013-03-15T00:00:00",
                                "undertakingDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
                        "exemptions": [
                                "companyName": "ACME PRODUCTION LIMITED",
                                "endDate": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "purpose": "SANDBOX",
                                "startDate": "2015-01-01T00:00:00"
                                "companyName": "ADVENTURE WORKS",
                                "endDate": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
                                "purpose": "SANDBOX",
                                "startDate": "2015-01-01T00:00:00"
                        "person": {
                            "dateOfBirth": "1944-12-31T00:00:00",
                            "foreName": "Billy",
                            "id": "4",
                            "postcode": "RH13 3HE",
                            "searchableNames": [
                                "Billy Jones"
                            "surname": "Jones"
                        "variation": {
                            "actionDate": "2018-01-01T00:00:00",
                            "caseNumber": "LMN234682769827364",
                            "courtName": "GLASGOW HIGH COURT"
                    "dob": "1944-12-31T00:00:00",
                    "dobScore": 100,
                    "matchedName": "Billy Jones",
                    "nameScore": 100

Response Breakdown

The table below contains explanations for a few of the fields returned in the response:

DobThis is the date of birth that was provided in the query data that was used for searching.
DobScoreThis is the match score for the Person.DateOfBirth field against the dob that was used in the query.
MatchedNameThis is the name in the Person.SearchableNames collection that had the highest score.
NameScoreThe highest score found from the searchable names.
Person.SearchableNamesThis is a collection of known aliases for the individual in question. This field is what is used for searching.


To use sandbox the following example request can be used.

Remember to include the W2 provided API key in the Authorization Header.

Example request

    "Bundle": "W2DataDisqualifiedsUk008",
    "Data": {
        "Forename": "James",
        "Surname": "Thorpe",
        "DayOfBirth": 10,
        "MonthOfBirth": 6,
        "YearOfBirth": 1978
    "Options": {
        "Sandbox": "true"
    "ClientReference": "your-client-reference"

 Sandbox cases

ForenameSurnameDate Of BirthPostcodeSearchable NamesNotes
JamesThorpe1978-06-10AB54 4PN"James Thorpe", "James Sebastien Thorpe", "Thorpe James", "James Thorpey", "Sebastien James Thorpe"Returns a Disqualified Director with no exemptions or validations.
AhenobarbusMichal1944-12-31RH13 3HE"Ahenobarbus Michal", "Ahenobarbus Geronimo Michal", "Michal Ahenobarbus", "Ahenobarbusero Michal", "Sebastien Ahenobarbus Michal"Returns a Disqualified Director with one exemption and no validations.
AllenKiril1943-01-08IVT X34"Allen Kiril", "Allen Brian Kiril", "Kiril Allen"Returns a Disqualified Director with two exemptions and no validations.
BillyJones1944-12-31RH13 3HE"Billy Jones"Returns a Disqualified Director with two exemptions and one validations.