Create a PEPs, Sanctions and AML check on an entity
To run a PEPs, Sanctions and AM check against an entity, you need to create a search for that entity.
Each search is unique and a searchID is provided for that search that returns any PEPs, Sanctions or Adverse Media hits found for the searched entity. As each search is unique, if you're replicating a search that has previously been run, we would recommend you use the same SearchID. If you are trying to run a search for an entity you've searched before, but with different search parameters or filters, then please run a new search.
There are four components to creating a search:
Field | Type | Description |
searchTerm (mandatory) | string | The string representing the entity i.e. entity name |
fuzziness (optional) | float (0.0 – 0.1) | Determines how closely the returned results must match the supplied name. 0% fuzziness disables 1-letter typo matching but keeps all other matching behaviours (standard and optional). Overridden by exactMatch . |
exactMatch (optional) | boolean | Exact match disables all standard and optional matching behaviours (Honorifics, affixes, initials, glued name, name variation, equivalent names, extra words in entity,...). |
filters (optional) | objects | Specify filters within the search to narrow down the results. Whilst optional, adding in filter details help refine the results. e.g entityType |
The filters that can be applied to search are:
Field | Type | Description | |
amlType (optional) | array of strings | These are the alerts you want to check are associated with the entity. One or more of: - sanction - warning - fitness-probity - pep - adverse-media-v2 More granular amlTypes for pep and adverse-media-v2 can be found here | |
birthYear (optional) | integer | Optional but desirable for a ‘person’ search, as it will help narrow the search and reduce false positives. If you include a year of birth, the results will return entities with a similar name and are within +-1 year of the year of birth specified; and any entities that have a similar name and no specified year of birth. | |
countryCodes (optional) | array of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 strings | Optional and only applies for PEPs (Politically Exposed Person), but it will help you reduce False Positives. The country filter refers to the country in which the entity took office (country of residence). | |
removeDeceased | boolean | A flag which when set, removes deceased people from search results | |
entityType | string | One of: - "person" - "company" - "organisation" - "vessel" - "aircraft" |
Entity Type Filter
is a filter that can be applied to the search, and whilst is not mandatory, we recommend that it is specified as it optimises the search results. The entityType filter is not a hard filter between different entity types. It only optimizes the matching logic to the relevant entity type.
can be:
- “person"
- "company"
- "organisation"
- "vessel"
- "aircraft"
For example:
- Depending on the entity type, pre-fixes and suffixes will be processed differently to avoid false negatives ("Mr Robert Mugabe" matching "Robert Mugabe" for person, "Cimex Ltd" matching "Cimex" for company)
- Equivalent names are considered specifically for different entity types ("Robert" and "Bob" versus "Investment" and "Inversion").
- Initial matching between individual ("Carl W. Litsch") versus company acronyms ("KFC").
If this is not set as a filter, then a default set of rules and logic will be applied
Example requests
"criteria": {
"searchTerm": "Robert Mugabe"
All filters utilised:
"criteria": {
"searchTerm": "Robert Mugabe",
"fuzziness": 0.8,
"exactMatch": false,
"filters": {
"amlTypes": [
"countryCodes": [
"entityType": "person",
"birthYear": 1922,
"removeDeceased": true
The search query will provide a response with the following details:
Field | Type | Description |
criteria | object | The search criteria specified in the request |
searchID | string | The unique identifier related to the search. This can be used to retrieve the data surfaced for this particular search |
totalHits | integer | The number of search hits that were identified to the entity you were searching for |
totalMatches | integer | |
created | date-time | Date of search creation |
updated | string | |
searchHits | array of objects | An array containing search hit objects, the score, and match type objects |
Each of the entity objects returned in searchHits
will show:
Field | Type | Description |
searchHit | array of objects | This array contains entity objects matching the search term. There should be an entity object for each search hit identified. |
|_entityType | string | The entity type associated with this search hit |
|_name | string | The name associated with the search hit |
|_amlTypes | array of strings | An array of amlTypes that were found for this searchHit |
|_sourceInformation | object | An object contain the data source of the search hit |
|__source | array | An array of data source found for the search hit (e.g. Sanctions List) |
|____name | string | Name of source |
|____key | string | Key of source |
|____amlType | array of strings | amlType found from the source |
|____url | string | URL of the source |
|____listingStarting | date-time | When the source was listed |
|____listingEnded | date-time | When the source listed ended. |
|____sourceNotes | array of objects | Additional information about the source. This is an array containing: - Name - Value - Source |
|___unlinkedSourceNotes | array of objects | Additional information about the source. This is an array containing: - Name - Value - Source |
|_ aka | array of objects | Array of alternative names for the entity. Note that the "name" field is present at the minimum. |
|_associates | array of objects | Array of names of associated entities. Note that the "name" field present at the minimum, also the "association" (such as "Spouse", "Brother" etc...) and "comment" fields. |
|_media | array of objects | List of media entries where appropriate, with the "date", "title", "snippet" and "url" parameters. |
|_lastUpdated | date-time | This is the time that the entity was last updated |
|_score | float | The score is a computation of search results match and ranking. The score should only be used in the context of ordering search results and indicates relevance. For information on how the score is computed, check out score matching |
|_matchTypesPrimary | array of string | Lists the main matchTypes (as specified below) identified with documents |
|_matchTypesAll | array of objects | Provides additional on the matchTypes found, including the matchingName, the source, amlTypes, searchTermMatches and any additional secondaryCriteriaMatches |
Match Types
Whenever we match against a document, we try to include some data as to what matched. We return the first value that is true from the following possible values
matchType | Description |
name_exact | matched against the entity name exactly |
aka_exact | matched against an entity AKA (also known as) entry exactly |
name_fuzzy | matched closely to the name, but at least one word had an edit distance change |
phonetic_name | matched against the entity name phonetically |
phonetic_aka | matched against an entity AKA phonetically |
equivalent_name | matched against the entity name with a synonym, e.g. "Robert Mugabe" => "Bob Mugabe" |
equivalent_aka | matched against an entity AKA with a synonym, e.g. "Robert Mugabe" => "Bob Mugabe" |
unknown | matched for a more complex reason, such as based on an acronym |
Along with, if appropriate:
matchType | Description |
year_of_birth | matched the birth year as given in filters, can be the exact year of +-1 year regarding the fuzziness and options |
removed_personal_title | a personal title, for example 'Mrs', was stripped from the search term |
removed_personal_suffix | a personal suffix, for example 'PhD', was stripped from the search term |
removed_organisation_prefix | an organisation prefix, for example 'JSC', was stripped from the search term |
removed_organisation_suffix | an organisation suffix, for example 'Ltd', was stripped from the search term |
removed_clerical_mark | a clerical mark, for example 'DECEASED', was stripped from the search term |
Example Response
"criteria": {
"exactMatch": false,
"filters": {
"amlTypes": ["sanction"],
"birthYear": 1800,
"countryCodes": [],
"entityType": "person",
"removeDeceased": false
"fuzziness": 0.5,
"searchTerm": "string"
"created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"searchHits": [
"matchTypesAll": [
"amlTypes": ["sanction"],
"matchingName": "string",
"searchTermMatches": [
"matchTypes": ["exact_match"],
"word": "string"
"secondaryCriteriaMatches": [
"criteria": "string",
"matchTypes": ["name_variations_removal"]
"sources": ["string"]
"matchTypesPrimary": ["name_variations_removal"],
"score": 0,
"searchHit": {
"aka": [
"name": "string"
"amlTypes": ["sanction"],
"associates": [
"association": "string",
"name": "string"
"entityType": "person",
"lastUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"media": [
"date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"snippet": "string",
"title": "string",
"url": "string"
"name": "string",
"sourceInformation": {
"sources": [
"amlTypes": ["sanction"],
"key": "string",
"listingEnded": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"listingStarted": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"name": "string",
"sourceNotes": [
"name": "string",
"source": "string",
"value": "string"
"url": "string"
"unlinkedSourceNotes": [
"name": "string",
"source": "string",
"value": "string"
"searchId": "9b1a67f9-9477-48e5-8a6c-11b70245e1d9",
"totalHits": 0,
"totalMatches": 0,
"updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"